Tuesday 15 November 2011

!!Fireworks day!!

Wow! I shouted as my mum lit the first firework."Time for the next one" whispered my sister Emily.My mum walked up to start the next one it was the one that just goes up in the air.We didn't bye a holder for the firework to stand up but we made sure that it stood up before we started it.This time Emily started it.She lit the firework and ran back to us by the door.The firework shot up very fast and then oh no the firework fell over and it was coming right for my mum,Emily and me. We ran in the house very scared and stayed there until it was done. Then we went back out side to see if there were any damage to the house. there was nothing but what a experience. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tina

    Cool fire works you did at your mums house also your storie you typed. it felt like i wanted to be there too.

